Eylim, Anibal y Yuli: Hello. How are you? fine, and you
Eylim: Anibal. Tell me about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do?
Anibal: I was in the plains and had a good time.
Anibal: And you yuli?
Yuli: I went to Pereira and I was with my family
Yuli: Eylim. When was the last time you were really excited about something?
Eylim: When my niece was born
Eylim: Anibal. How did you come here?
Anibal: My favorite game wos coys and thieves
Yuli: Eylim. What did you eat for you last meal?
Eylim: egg arepa
Eylim: Anibal. I when was the last time you were shoked?
Anibal: When they almost hit a loved one
Anibal: Yuli. What wos you first tv like
Yuli: I like the walking dead series
Yuli: Eylim. When was the last time you went to a movie theater? What did you see?
Eylim: Exactly do not remember. I think it was avengers
Yuli: Eylim. What was the last really difficult thing you had to do?
Eylim: Quit my job